TSW & Systemic Steroid Use

 Case Studies as a Guide to Clinical Practice

Saturday, March 23 from 12 – 3pm EST
Live attendance only, this class will not be recorded

3 Credits NCCAOM (Pending, Provider #287)

Topical as well as systemic corticosteroids (such as betamethasone, prednisone) are amongst the most ubiquitous and widely utilized pharmaceutical drugs in modern medicine. They are used to control the broadest range of inflammatory conditions from rheumatic, auto- immune, respiratory, gastric, skin, and allergic diseases to name just a few.

Although often effective at controlling the acute stages of inflammation, they can have far reaching and seriously detrimental effects on the body, causing adrenal insufficiency, atrophy of the skin, osteoporosis, lowered immune system, diabetes, hypertension, persistent infections as well as a propensity to suffer with the so called ‘rebound effect’ (reoccurrence of the original disease with even more force on weaning off the steroids).

New awareness of the serious & damaging effects of their use has come to the fore in recent years with legions of patients suffering untold misery with Topical Steroid Withdrawal syndrome (TSW/Red Burning Skin/Steroid Dermatitis) for such conditions as eczema & psoriasis.

In this 3h class I will explore the most frequent side-effects of both internal and topical use of steroids and describe in detail how best to understand and tackle both these common problems in order to restore the body’s equilibrium to a stable state.

By using real cases from my own practice, I will outline in detail and in a clinically relevant way the best protocols as well as the essential ingredients & combinations to use (both internal herbs as well as topical applications) not only to subdue rampant inflammation in the body without the need to resort to steroids, but to lessen the impact and damage caused by these agents when they have been used.

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Mazin Al-Khafaji

Since completing his studies in Chinese Medicine at the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine alongside Chinese students and graduating as Doctor of Chinese Medicine in 1987, Mazin has been in full time practice entirely devoted to three main areas – autoimmune disease, allergic disease and skin disease.

He lectures widely all over the world on these subjects and over the past 18 years has run the Dermatology Diploma Programme in both Europe & North America (www.mazin-al-khafaji.com other lectures are also available online), all graduates of this programme automatically becoming members of the International TCM Dermatology Association (www.tcmdermatology.org).

He has developed the unique Dermatology-M range of topical products and herbal cosmetics from Chinese herbal ingredients to address many common skin disorders (www.dermatology-m.com).

He is the author of numerous articles and co-author of the international textbook A Manual of Acupuncture.