16 Hour Online Course
Live and Recorded Online
16 CEUs NCCAOM and California

This weekend course provides an introduction into how Chinese Herbal Medicine (“CHM”) can be used as supportive treatment for people living with cancer. Attendees will cover the following topics over the course of two days:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the treatment of cancer;
  • the aetiology and pathology of cancer in CHM;
  • treatment strategies;
  • review of commonly used herbs and formulae used in cancer support;
  • CHM as an adjuvant treatment with conventional surgery, radiotherapy and pharmaceutical drugs;
  • using a CHM modular approach in cancer treatment.

Sign up for day one only ($95 / $80)

Day 2:

  • Using CHM in the 7 stages of people living with cancer;
  • post diagnosis;
  • pre-treatment;
  • during conventional treatments;
  • post conventional treatment;
  • maintaining health;
  • living with cancer;
  • palliative care.

Sign up for day two only ($95 / $80)

The weekend will be structured as an interactive tutorial with multiple case histories being used to demonstrate the practical use of CHM in oncology. Participants will also have the chance to write and discuss their own formulae to encourage an active learning process. The emphasis will focus on CHM theory and practice but with reference to modern research findings.

Dr. Andrew Flower has been using CHM to provide supportive treatment for people living with cancer for over 30 years. The lecture will reflect his clinical experience of the potential and also the limitations of CHM in this challenging but incredibly rewarding area of practise.

Who should attend?

The lecture will be suitable for all practising herbal practitioners and students of herbal medicine – whether you have 3 weeks or 30+ years’ experience. We strongly recommend singing up for the full two day course even if you’re unable to attend one of the days – signing up for the full course will provide you with access to the lecture recordings in order to catch up on all of the material.

General Public


Inner Circle Members


Andrew Flower

Andrew Flower has been practising acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) since 1992. On graduating he gained a wide range of experience working in private practice, and within the UK National Health Service and voluntary sector working with people with HIV/AIDS and with drug and alcohol addictions. He is a past President of the UK Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and has advised the European Herbal Traditional Practitioners Association on developing research strategies in Europe. In 2009 Andrew completed his PhD at The University of Southampton exploring the role of Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of endometriosis. He has published a number of peer-reviewed papers relating to Chinese medicine research, including two Cochrane systematic reviews. He co-ordinated an EU project that prepared guidelines to improve the quality of clinical trials into Chinese medicine. In 2011 he was awarded a 5 year NIHR Post doctoral Fellowship to investigate Chinese herbs for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTIs) that has resulted in the RUTI trial that started recruiting in Feb 2016. He has a special interest in providing supportive treatment for people with cancer. He is a founder member of the White Crane Academy of CHM and is passionate about the therapeutic potential of herbal medicines…and the importance of rigorous training to ensure this potential is realised.