In Classical Chinese Medicine, Liu Lihong writes, “Because the pulse so aptly reveals the motion of Yin and Yang in the body, palpating the pulse is one of the premiere diagnostic methods in Chinese medicine.” Yet how many Chinese herbalists can apply pulse diagnosis in their practice such that it directly guides them to and confirms their choice in formula?
As one’s training in classical Chinese medicine develops, pulse can become more and more of a Rosetta stone for honing diagnosis into the final formula choice. This process involves gathering information through questions, observation and palpation and then processing that information in such a way that supports the articulation of a clear diagnosis. And although this process can enable one to accurately identify the pattern responsible for a pathology, an accurate reading of the pulse can be the final say in how one weighs and prioritizes what needs to happen first or most powerfully. A pulse reading will indicate when, in a weak person, a practitioner needs to actually purge or, in a robust person, when she needs to supplement. If there are several possible ways to approach a pattern, the pulse can focus that process until the exact formula and formula modifications is reached.
White Pine Circle is so proud to be offering practitioners the chance to study classical pulse diagnosis with Nadine Zäch. Nadine was one of the first students of and teachers for Arnaud Versluys, studying in the same lineage as Dr. Li Lihong and others, from Dr. Tian Heming, through Dr. Zeng Rongxiu.
Although pulse diagnosis is historically difficult to teach, in her 16 years of study, practice and teaching pulse diagnosis, Nadine has made these teachings her own such that they are both accessible and transmittable. She has given many practitioners confidence in their ability to read the pulses accurately and then, in turn, to interpret them in a way that leads to an accurate herbal treatment.
About the Course
In this course, practitioners will work with Nadine to slowly learn and deeply integrate the didactic aspect of these teachings. She will teach the pulse theory, qualities of pulses and their bases in the six conformations. All the teachings are based on the classics and writings on pulse by Zhang Zhongjing.
This online course includes lectures and discussion forums so that your questions can be answered as the course progresses. Part One give a thorough overview of the theoretical foundations of the Shanghan Lun and then proceed to deeper look at the Tai Yang, Yang Ming and Shao Yang physiologies, pathologies, formulas and the pulses associated with the formulas. Part Two will look at the Tai Yin, Shao Yin and Jue Yin conformations with their respective physiologies, pathologies, formulas and pulses associated with them.
Genreal Public: $800.00
White Pine Circle Members: $600.00
Nadine Zäch

Nadine Zäch was born in Switzerland on 09/20/73. She is a federal graduated Naturopath for Chinese Phytotherapie and Acupuncture in Switzerland, and NCCAOM certified in the US since 2009, furthermore she got her “Sifu” title for Chiu Diet Da (Traumatology and Orthopedic) in 2005.
She has worked for over 20 years as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner in her 3 clinics in Switzerland. (Zurich/Wil/Loehningen) Since 2005 Nadine Zaech has devoted herself to the «Shang Han Za Bing Lun» style of Chinese herbal medicine and works ever since with these classical medicine prescriptions and their modifications only.
The Shang Han Lun lineage she learned possesses an absolutely accurate Pulse-Taking and prescribing-System which is based on that. Therefore there is no way around practical training of Pulse-Taking. Ever since Nadine Zaech has worked with this System, she has taken probably more than 30,000 pulses. She has taught worldwide for many years in theory and clinic, in seminars, supervisions and her own clinics.
In addition to the many articles she wrote for professional journals, she is the author of the Shang Han Lun section of the “Leitfaden Chinesische Medizin” (Guideline Chinese Medicine) which is the reference book for Chinese Medicine Practitioners in the german speaking part of Europe.