Menstruation, Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Menopause, Aging

White Pine Circle is honored by be hosting this unique and important program to benefit women. To our knowledge, it is the first comprehensive East Asian herbal medicine program on both obstetrics and gynecology in the west. The focus of it is on classical Chinese herbal principles, based on the Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lüe theory and formulas.

This program is taught be a dream-team of highly experienced practitioner/teachers with combined clinical experience in this field of almost 90 years: Sharon Weizenbaum, Caroline Radice and Suzanne Connole.

This program is the only gynecology and obstetrics training available in the west in which the teachers have a direct lineage connection to both practicing obstetricians and to originally translated source material, written by modern and ancient practicing Chinese gynecologists and obstetricians. Sharon Weizenbaum has translated the work of these physicians which will be available to students as a rich source of clinical reference material. The instructors follow in the lineage of obstetrician/gynecologists, Dr. Qiu Xiaomei and Cheng Yufeng, with whom Sharon studied in Hangzhou, China 1990-1991. Our practices are based in part on her experience combined with her written material, most of which will be available to students.

In addition, having studied extensively with classical formula teachers such as Huang Huang, Feng Shilun, Fu Yanling, and Yu Guojin, the instructors flow in the stream of the lineage of the Huangdi Neijing and Zhang Zhongjing’s Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue.

The program takes participants through the phases of women’s lives from menstruation, through fertility, pregnancy and postpartum, to menopause and aging. Each teacher is covering the area she has the most experience with. This is truly an exceptional opportunity for anyone using Chinese herbs for women’s disharmonies.

Start Date TBA

Basic Program Structure:

The complete year-long program includes three recommended introductory modules and seven in-depth topical modules. Each module contains 3-5 sessions with supportive materials and discussions. Sessions are added on Tuesdays every two weeks and remain available for the entire program. Each session is a learning unit that includes the following:

  • A 2-3 hour live online and recorded class on the current topic on alternate Tuesdays starting at 12 pm EST.
  • A dedicated discussion forum for the current topic. The instructors of the program will respond to each post.
  • Additional supportive articles and eBooks

Program Objectives

  • To deeply integrate the healing possibilities of Great Turning principles as the heart of your work with OB/Gyn Patients using East Asian Medicine.
  • To unlock a relationship with the Huángdì Neijīng and Zhang Zhongjing’s Shanghan Zabinglun.
  • To understand how the Great Turnings principles clarify your work with patients, simplifying intake, diagnosis, grasping the appropriate method, and writing the formula will carry out that method.
  • To experience the Great Turnings principles as a path to feel confidence effectiveness, and excitement about our work with OBN/Gyn patients.
  • To develop life-long joy in learning and study.
  • To apply these skills to various areas of OB/Gyn presentations, including menstrual issues, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and various other gynecological conditions.
  • To find yourself feeling happy and excited to go to work and deeply satisfied at the end of your workday.
  • To have a firm grasp of Chinese herbs, formulas, and formula patterns of the Shanghan Zabinglun as they are applied to OB/Gyn presentations.
  • To be able to apply the understanding of classic formulas to non-classic formulas.
  • To confidently apply formulas and formula modifications to a diagnosis.

69.5 credits Pending NCCAOM (Provider #287)
This course has been approval pending by the California Acupuncture Board, Provider Number #679, for 69.5 hours of continuing education

ABORM Approval Pending for 69.5 credits

1 year access to all recorded classes, videos and handouts


Sharon Weizenbaum

Sharon has been practicing for 40 years with a focus on women’s health and classical formulas. She lived in Hangzhou, China in 1990-1991, studying herbal obstetrics and gynecology in a traditional hospital. Upon her return to the US, in addition to practicing, she began teaching and developing her interest and skill in translation and classical formulas. She has compiled over 25 eBooks (over 3000 pages) of her translated materials that have become clinical reference manuals for her many students. Sharon is the instructor for the White Pine Graduate Mentorship Program, now in its 20th year. 

Caroline Radice

Caroline has been practicing and teaching with a specialty in Women’s Reproductive Health Care using Chinese Herbal Medicine for 30 years. Her training began at her Master’s Program at ACTCM with Li Fang Liang, a renowned OB/GYN from China, who has published TCM texts on Gynecology and Integrating Chinese Medicine with Assisted Reproduction. Caroline continued with many years of Classical Herbal study with Sharon Weizenbaum and other practitioners with advanced practice in Classical Chinese Medicine and Gynecology. She is on Faculty with several colleges where she teaches Herbal Medicine and OB/GYN, including PCHS in NY, VUIM in Virginia, and SIEAM in Seattle. She also works closely with many practitioners of Western Medicine including OB/GYNs and Reproductive Endocrinologists, with whom she shares patient care in her private practice in New Jersey.

Suzanne Connole

Suzanne Connole originally found her way to Chinese Medicine after acupuncture helped heal her own chronic debilitating pain. She graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and then became a doula, lactation consultant and childbirth acupuncturist.  She has been in clinical practice for 19 years and a teacher for 15 with a clinical focus on women’s health, pregnancy and postpartum.  Suzanne has taught at Pacific College of Health Sciences, and was Director of Herbal Studies at Tri-State College.  Presently she teaches herbal medicine and gynecology at the Won Institute of Graduate Studies and nutrition and herbal medicine at The New England School of Acupuncture.  She is on the board of both the Shen Nong Society for Herbal Medicine Studies and the White Pine Circle.  After studying with various teachers including Elaine Stern and Claudia Citkovitz, she found a pathway to study classical medicine with Sharon Weizenbaum where she is now a TA.  Suzanne lives and practices in Kingston, New York with her daughter Daphne and enjoys hiking and chasing waterfalls in the Catskill mountains.